Suits & Sneaks

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Remember the Little Flairs of You

Hey y’all.  Kristin here.  Just wanted to check in real quick as this summer wraps up and see how everyone is doing.  I’m sure many of you have kids and are chaotically trying to figure out how going back to school will work.  Others have been taking a good hard look at their life, wondering if 2020 is the year to make those big changes you’ve been dreaming about.  Others might have been tragically impacted by COVID.  And others might just be doing alright and taking each day as a gift, as it comes.

Amen to that. 

And as style trends seem to fade somewhat into the distance because we all pretty much live indoors these days, it’s important not to lose that little flair of “you.”    You know, that little thing people know you for, or associate you with.  Why?  Because I think it’s motivating.  I think upholding little stylish flairs of you mean you’ve got a purpose for that day.  And in a time where so many of us are isolated from socialization, it can be so easy to forget what those are.

Did you happen to catch my recent post, Four Easy Ways to Look More Put Together?  Not that we virtual workers totally care about what everyone is wearing these days, but there I offer up a few super easy ways to put on little flairs of you. 

It could be as simple as accessories, comfy skirts for the ladies, stylish frames, or the sharp looking comfort of merz b schwanen for the guys.

Or, little flairs of you could have nothing to do with style at all!  Perhaps it could be busting out that quick song you wrote on the piano or guitar.  The accent you’re hilariously good at.  Dedicating 30 minutes to a passion of yours every day. 

Whatever it is for you, I think it’s so important to maintain these little flairs of you on a daily basis.  Give them the time and priority they deserve.  I guarantee they’ll make you smile.

It’s really tough these days, especially for people who live alone and are limited in what they can do beyond work.  But don’t forget to remind yourself that you’re super unique, super special, and that you are beautiful, even if nobody else is around to see it, cause you are! 

That’s just my little pep talk for today.  Have a great weekend.
